
Enhanced lights and fx too dark
Enhanced lights and fx too dark

enhanced lights and fx too dark

  • Buy an external flash to attractively light photos at indoor events like weddings.
  • Shoot video at 24 fps (instead of 60fps) when light is scarce.
  • Switch the color space to AdobeRGB to provide more latitude for adjustments when you edit photos.
  • enhanced lights and fx too dark enhanced lights and fx too dark

  • Use the Exposure Compensation control if your photos are coming out too dark or too light.
  • Keep the camera in the default Pattern light-metering mode for everyday shooting.
  • Use the flash on sunny days to brighten up shadows.
  • Create a blur effect in action shots with a shutter speed of 1/40 second or less.
  • Bump up the ISO to 1,600 to get better pictures in low light but don't go above 3,200.
  • Try the Creative Style feature in the menu and select Vivid to boost color saturation.
  • Use the Aperture Priority mode and the dial on the top of the camera to control depth of field, so you can decide how much of the image is in focus.
  • However, all this power needs a bit of skill to fully harness, and we'll show you just how to do that.

    Enhanced lights and fx too dark