Added text with current videocard model for laptop users. V0.246: Added denoiser and supersampling for ambient occlusion. V0.263: Fixed not working key to free video memory and fps limiter. Added shadow desaturation parameter for detailed shadows. V0.267: Added string annotations to shaders similar to TES Skyrim 0.265 version. This is just the mod with default preset, download customized presets and shaders from the forum or other sites. Warning! To run the mod properly, enable HDR in game video options.ĭepth of field effect supported by external shader file enbeffectprepass.fx, i recommend to use Matso version of it, for example from "Skyrim Visual Immersion" which is available by this link.

Fixed bug when ENBoost compression was always enabled. Changed ENBoost memory manager by forcing memory statistics of the mod only to reduce issues with bad drivers. POSTING THE ENBSERIES BINARY FILES ON NEXUS SITES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDĪdded AutodetectVideoMemorySize parameter. It alters the entire visual experience of Fallout New Vegas by adding textures to roads, grass, trees, cars, and buildings, among other things.ENBSeries v0.278 for Fallout 3 / New Vegas The mod brings in around 300 different cloud variations and adds superb weather effects that will keep you tuned to your screen. Stutter remover guarantees that everything runs smoothly by removing stutters. All of the weapons will be given a new, fresh appearance with unique designs that will set them apart. It gives you Textures, high quality, and head models that will make characters appear much more lifelike and convincing. The mod includes a new mission that sends the player on a bounty hunt. The mod adds over 120 new bonuses to the game, which will take some time to explore and appreciate. This allows players to view all of their UI customizations in a single location. Weapon animation replacer war replaces the tedious weapon equipping process with an animation that creates immersion with the game and a cinematic experience. The grass textures have been upgraded, and 100 new trees and plants have been added to the desert terrain, making it even more beautiful.

It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks.

Fallout: New Vegas is a post-apocalyptic action role-playing video game released in 2010 by Bethesda Softworks.